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our offer

Tasting sets of original French cheeses

You can order boards of French cheeses with other snacks and special catering.


What you can eat?

Most popular dishes

  • Śniadanie francuskie
    19 zł
    Croissant, brioche, domowe konfitury, masło solone
    25 zł
    Baked sandwich with béchamel, ham and cheese + fried egg
  • Parisien brunch
    41 zł
    French delicatessen meats, french cheeses, fried egg, tomato, cornichons, home made jam and croissant
  • Galette
    OD 28 zł
    Traditional breton gluten free buckwheat crepe

Special offer

Seasonal offer, catering

Unofficial meeting with friends at a shared Raclette? Or maybe an elegant birthday party with a delicious Fraisier cake?

It is up to you how and what you celebrate with us, and from us your delicious taste sensations, in a Breton atmosphere and pleasant atmosphere. A home evening with a board of French cheeses and cold cuts or full catering on the occasion of ... and without any occasion, with personal pickup or delivery in the Tri-City. There are many circumstances to feast, and they are arranged only with A la Francaise.